After 26 days of waiting...finally result released. quite satisfied with the result and luckily my average pointer maintained above 3.00. _/|\_ 阿弥陀佛
thanks Buddha for the bless.
have a really LONG holiday after finished my final exam and i just hanging around doing NOTHING.'s my own prob..
now i need to find a job coz my parent won't give me $$ anymore...
sadly, i missed the UPU application so i need to w8 until next year to apply it. so my advice to fellow friends, no matter u plan to continue ur study or not, where u prefer & etc, apply 1st, u can make decision either to go or not after u get the offer ...
so for now i only hope that i can get a job asap or receive letter from spa...
lets put that behind, i wanna share pic now...LOL
The photos taken during our band performance on a wedding event.